Player name: Inger Marie B. Jakobsen Email: PC name: Naleen Mabeck Alignment: N (tending towards good) Race: Human Age: 18 Height: 1,68 Weight: 56 Gender: F Deity: Silvanus Class(s): Ranger Level(s): 1 -- Ability scores: Ability Bonus Str: 13 1 Dex: 17 3 Con: 16 3 Int: 12 1 Wis: 14 2 Cha: 10 0 AC: 10 + 3 (dex) + 3 (armour) = 16 AR Melee: +1 (bab) + 1 (str) = 2 AR Ranged: +1 (bab) + 3 (dex) = 4 Saves: Fort: 2 (base) + 3 (con) = 5 Ref: 2 (base) + 3 (dex) = 5 Will: 0 (base) + 2 (wis) = 2 Hit points: ? -- Languages: Common, elven -- Feats (by level) 1: point blank, precise shot, favorite enemy (undead) 2: -- Skills (Skill: Ranks/Skill Points): Climb (str) 1/2 Handle animal (cha): 2/2 Hide (dex): 4/7 Jump (str): 1/2 Knowledge (dungeoneering)(int): 2/3 Knowledge (geography)(int): 2/3 Knowledge (nature)(int): 2/3 Listen (wis): 4/6 Move silently (dex): 4/7 Ride (dex): 1/4 Spot (wis): 4/6 Swim (str): 1/2 Survival (wis): 4/6 -- Cleric/Druid/Paladin/Ranger/Wizard spells memorized: 0th: - 1st: - -- Equipment: light load: 50 gp, 51-100, 101-150 Longbow, composite: 100 GP 3 lb Longsword: 15 GP 4 lb Dagger: 2 gp 1 lb Arrows (40): 2 GP 6 lb Studded leather: 25 GP 20 lb Backpack 2 GP 2 lb Fishhook 0,2 GP - Flint and steel 1 GP - Pouch, belt 1 GP 0,5 lb Sewing needle 0,5 sp Waterskin 1 gp 4 lb Whetstone 0,02 1 SP: 2 CP: 8 (Total equipment 150 GP 41,5 lb) Composite Longbow: AR: 4, DAM: 1d8 CRIT:x3 RANGE: 110 ft Type: P Longsword: AR: 2, DAM: 1d6 CRIT:19-20/x2 RANGE: - Type: S Dagger melee: AR: 2, DAM: 1d4 CRIT:19-20/x2 RANGE: - Type: S Dagger thrown: AR: 4, DAM: 1d4 CRIT:19-20/x2 RANGE: 10 Ft Type: P -- Description: Naleen looks pretty normal for a young human woman. She has ordinary brown hair, ordinary blue eyes and an ordinary slim, sinewy figure. She looks strong but without the mussles that goes with hard training. Even so, she looks well trained. She carries with her an air of the free wilderness which shows in the natural redness of her cheeks and lips. She wears an old but wellkept studded leather and a longsword at her side. At her back is a composite longbow just beside an old, worn and sluggish backack and bundles of arrows. She dresses in a man's tunic and trousers favoring brown and green colours. Her hair is cut at the shoulders, and by the looks of it it was done with a dagger in the wilderness a long way from the cities and it's hairdressers. -- History: Naleen Meback used to live in the forrest with her father, a woodcutter, and her mother, a druid. Those were happy days. Then as her mother was away for a prolonged time carrying out her duties as a druid, there was a visitor. A woman from the nearby city. Someone who slowly but surely charmed her stromg father and someone who made him wilt away, blooddrop by blooddrop. Nothing she said or did would make him send this stranger away. In the end, the stranger, this Miss Nucali, made his father send her away. Naleen left the small hut in fear for her father's life and she went after her mother to bring her home and sort things out. But when she finally found her mother and returned home it was to late. Her father had not been alive for some while and yet he sat in his chair with miss Nucali at his lap. They laughed at Naleen and her mother. Then they attacked Naleen's mother and a fiersome struggle began. A struggle which ended in fire as Naleen's mother drew upon the most fearfull of the powers of druids. Naleen escaped only barely and could only watch as dreadfull burning stones fell from the sky upon the tiny hut of her childhood. When it was over, there was nothing left. She searched the ruins but found only the scattered remains of her father and her mother. There were no signs of the stranger that killed her parents and ruined her life. Naleen went away to find her mother's circle. They agreed to finish her education as a ranger and to teach her to fight undeads. It has been 5 years since that dreadfull day when her parents died and three months since she left the druidic circle to find Miss Nucali. In that time, she has not come closer to finding her. -- Response to Gordrenn's statement. Naleen smiles at Gordrenn's acknowledgement of the presence of women but lets those more eager answer first while listening in silence. Then she says: "My name is Naleen Meback. I'm trained as a ranger and am able to both think and act on my own as well as taking orders. I know the wilderness, I know how to survive there and I know how to track - should the need arise. I can fight with a sword but my true expertise lies with the bow", Naleen gives Gordrenn a thin smile. -- Advanced look: (multiclassing, prestige class, likely feats/skills) Prestige class: I might want the prestige class HORIZON WALKER ( I am not sure yet. I figure my character could pick it up at level 7. Or perhaps deepwood sniper from masters of the wild, which I should be able to pick up at level 7. -- Anything else you wish to tell me: I am not sure if you meant that we should have exactly 2 gp left or at most 2 gp. If the first thing is the case, then I'll get rid of the dagger. So far Naleen's story is pretty much about undeads (her favorite enemy). I figure as time goes by she will find reasons to hate other types of creatures enough to set aside her futile search for Miss Nucali who's trail has become rather cold. As for now, her reason to join in and accept the work that Gordrenn is offering is.. money. She is rather low on money. And.. perhaps boredom. Nothing much has happened for 3 months. When we leave the wilderness, she should have other reasons (such as friendships or new enemies) to finish the campaign. I know 3E pretty well, but this is my first go in 3,5E. I only have the players handbook in that edition. I know the website, though ;-) Oh, I play mostly at work, which means I can post 1-2 times a day (more if it is a boring day at work) but less in the weekends. Miss Nucali is a female vampire, dressed in black, gorgious and with a sardistic preference for men allready in love with someone else. She will seduce them, drink their blood and perhaps, just perhaps, turn them into a vampire. When their women fight for their men, she think it is great fun. Apart from that, she is entirely yours :-)